Limited marketing budget? Boost brand visibility by vehicle wraps

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Are you struggling to boost your brand visibility because of a limited marketing budget? Many entrepreneurs want to maximize their marketing funds. Investing in assets that have a fast return on investment and work for the long term is the main priority.

Unfortunately, many business owners pour most of their resources into digital marketing. Digital platforms are effective in reaching more potential customers in a short amount of time. However, they’re not always the cheapest. For brick-and-mortar establishments, corporate signs are essential. They offer a way to stand out in the community and promote your business. Channel letters, awnings, and pylon signs are a few types to choose from.

However, there’s another way to reach more of your target audience. It involves investing in vehicle wraps. These are engineered to adhere to various types of vehicles, such as vans, buses, and trucks. They’re made from premium grade vinyl that is UV, scratch, and water resistant. When professionally made and installed, they typically last 10 to 15 years.

Vehicle Wraps Statistics That Matter

If you’re still thinking about custom vehicle wraps, consider the following statistics:

  • Vinyl car wraps improve brand recognition 15 times more than other advertising modes.
  • Fleet wraps and decals have the cheapest cost per thousand impressions compared to other forms of media.
  • Based on a study by the Outdoor Advertising Association of America (OAAA), a wrapped van generates 16 million impressions each year.
  • A study by Green Image Marketing found that fleet wraps generate 2.5 times more attention than static signs or billboards.
  • The Arbitron National In-Car Study also revealed that 29% of consumers say outdoor advertisements encouraged them to visit the establishment within a week.
  • According to 3M and the American Trucking Association, 91% of their target audience notice both texts and graphics of fleet wraps.
  • There is a 97% recall rate on mobile billboards based on a market research by the Outdoor Advertising Magazine.

Are Vehicle Wraps Worth Investing in?

Mobile billboards will give your business an edge against competitors who may have limited reach on their ads. You can also target more individuals who don’t live or work near your establishment.

With vehicle wraps in Chicago, you can maximize your existing assets and the efforts of your employees. They will be advertising your brand while also performing daily business tasks.

Moreover, customers these days dislike intrusive advertising. Fleet wraps, however, are a less aggressive way to reach prospects. They allow you to promote your products and services without being pushy.

Your Source for Vehicle Wraps in Chicago

At Windy City Signs & Graphics, we look forward to becoming your signage partner in Chicago, IL. Our team takes pride in producing eye-catching, durable, and seamless fleet wraps. We’ll take the time to work with you in creating strategic designs that are impactful and memorable.

Are you ready to turbocharge your marketing tactics with custom vehicle wraps?

Contact our team in Chicago, IL for a free quote on vehicle wraps for your business.

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